Online Dream Journal

This beautiful calendar/diary gives you a way to keep your dreams online and offers the advantage of using the search feature so that you can more easily track your dream patterns. Click on the infinity symbol in the square that marks the date of your dream and a page opens for you to post your dreams. After a few months of posting, you can begin to track your dream patterns by looking for dream messages as they are influenced by the cycles of the moon. Your dream diary is password protected, accessible only by you. This tool is remarkable.

You will also want to use the moon calendar app and add the moon location and phase in the window where you post the dream. That information will be invaluable as you look for your personal patterns.

In addition to your monthly subscription, for a one-time-only fee of $25, we will post your invisible garment pattern on your diary pages so that you will have your principles and colors available for reference as you post your dreams.

Online Dream Journal

[wp_paypal button=”subscribe” name=”Lunar Calendar/Dream Journal Subscription” a3=”7.95″ p3=”1″ t3=”M” src=”1″ button_image=””]

Online Dream Journal Personalization

Please note that it’s imperative for you to subscribe to the monthly calendar in order for us to personalize.  Subscribe first, and then choose this option.

$25.00/One-time only payment

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Lunar Calendar/Dream Journal Personalization” amount=”25.00″ button_image=””]